Nuvia Empire
The group representing the humanoid faction--anyone wanting to be a part with their humanoid characters would want to join this group! Nuvia allows pets, however, but these pets would not be able to speak like in the shifter or animal groups so please keep that in mind!
Nuvia was founded by Empress Keziah, also known as the Faerie Queen. It's been the longest standing group in the world of Fantasia and continues to thrive despite the rise of the two newer territories claimed by different creatures.
Permissions: Domestic animals (pets), shifter companion (ask first)

Royal Class
Empress/Emperor Highest ranking individuals. They rule, make laws, call for war, and finalize anything and everything revolving around their kingdom.
Markis/Marksinna Second in command, law enforcers and voices for the people. They are approached before the Empress or Emperor for anything.
Royal General Those with this rank have been trained in every branch and are knowledgeable enough to be a sort of advisor and war general for the Royals. They are in charge of training and making plans for any possible rivalries or alliances.
Prince/Princess The children of any Emperor or Empress pair. First born always has claim to the throne--if something happens to keep them from it (death, injury, etc) the second born may rise to the task.
High Class
High Judge These six individuals are responsible for passing judgement on Nuvia's citizens when it comes to law breaking, creation or anything related to the field. All final decisions, acceptances, or veto's are gone through the King or Queen's approval.
High Mage Those knowledgeable in herbs, magic or healing properties. They are called upon during any form of illness, injury or drastic life event.
Sentinel The Kingdoms guardians. They take orders from the Royal General and are often called upon to travel with any of the royal or higher ranks as a form of protection.
Ranger The seekers of knowledge and information. They have incredible memory and diplomatic abilities. They are depended on to form alliances and advise royalty. Rangers often are found teaching their Seekers and assistants depending on if any are available.
Executioners Warriors. Fighters. In some cases killers. They answer to the Royals and none other.
Middle Class
Assistant Mage Apprentices and less experienced Mages working for and learning under the High Mage. These individuals know enough to provide treatment for common ailments, however anything life changing is out of their league. Anything involving birth, severe injury etc, Assistant Mages are only allowed to assist, never are they allowed to take the lead until they reach their last tier.
Squire Those who are coming into this rank have limited knowledge on what to look out for when it comes to body language, fighting and protection--because it is there job to protect the empire, they have a very high demand despite their lower ranked status. Squire's are learning under the Sentinel's and in some cases even the Royal General themselves. As a Squire their responsibility is to learn and reciprocate what they learn--they are the first face a stranger, intruder or guest see upon coming to Nuvia, therefore these individuals have to know how to handle every situation.
Seekers The spies, the information takers and usually the ones allowed first when it comes to staking out or checking a nearby settlement. However where they excel in taking notes and judging, they lack heavily on fighting and defense--so the lower ranked individuals are usually always going to be accompanied with a Ranger or Sentinel (Or in more common cases, tier three Seekers.)
Mercenaries Beings dedicated to the art of fighting, sparring and in some cases, murder. They are called to help the executioner, catch criminals, serve as warriors and more importantly help with the defense of Nuvia. Mercenaries are found working closely with the Seekers and executioners, and while they have no direct superior, they are required to learn under every high ranked individual for at least one to three years.
Lower Class
Civilians The common folk--those without a rank in the Empire's system, as a civilian you have the freedom to dip your feet into ranks, or just stick to playing around. Civilians hold no specific role, but are required to keep the empire populated!
Apprentices Younger individuals, or those who are just entering into the ranks be it because they wanted something more, or they just got accepted into the Empire. These individuals are following their mentors around (usually those in high class and up) to learn the most they can. Apprentices are required to follow one high rank for each branch before deciding what they want to do, therefor being an apprentice can be stressful or confusing, it is also the only rank that gives you the flexibility of time--your character can be an apprentice for 1 OOC month, or an entire year, it's up to you!
Rogues The outsiders of the Empire--they haven't quite joined, and they aren't exactly considered guests either. They are drifters between being strangers, and being comrades. Rogues are hard to trust usually, despite their good or bad deeds. If your not quite sure the Empire is your cup of tea, you may label yourself as a Rogue, and it lets people know where you stand.
Youth Young ones of the Empire; because each species is different, these individuals could range from 6 months old to 600 years old, depending on their lifespan. OOC however they are required to take a rank after 4 months of holding the youth title.
Enslaved Those who are being punished or kept as bargaining chips. They are usually assigned under high ranking individuals as a form of slaves, those with this rank are looked down upon and hold no respect among the community. Enslaved's are recognized by their shackles or chains, depending on how their owners or the Emperor or Empress deems fit.