Rules & Regulations
General Rules
- While you are allowed five free characters, you are not allowed to have them all in the same group. This is to keep things a little more diverse and give others the opportunity to join in as well.
- For any possible rivalries between the different groups, you are not allowed to be interacting in a friendly way with your rivals on purpose. They're our rivals for a reason, they are not a cuddle buddy.
- Any overpowered or flawless characters are not permitted. Regardless of how powerful your character may be you will not be able to destroy everything! We are keeping an eye out for how your character develops--this means that if we see no flaws or weaknesses in any way we will discuss it with you to change it.
- Please keep all IC and OOC actions and such in their respective areas, for example if your character is fighting with another player's character, do not get mad OOC for something that's said or done IC.
- Be respectful to everyone--regardless of rank or role we are all equal and we should be treated as such.
- Keep all triggering conversation in either the vent chats or the nsfw chats.
+ To those of you who have certain triggers--you are warned that these chats will have them eventually, and it is up to you to enter these chats or not. We are not responsible if you get triggered for going into either one.
In Character Rules
- We do not allow any godmodders, mary-sues, or powerplayers. They take the fun out of roleplay and its not beneficial to anyone.
- When it comes to fighting we do not allow any auto-hits, this means that you may attempt to attack but it can not land unless the other allows it. (Exception: If they dodge three times you're fourth attack will hit regardless. This is to keep players from continuosly dodging every attack.)
- While we are accepting when it comes to species types, we do require that you have decent English grammar and punctuation--this is so we can all roleplay and understand each other. (Exception: If we get to the point where we have a decent amount of bilingual players we will create new chats specifically for the other majority.)
- When a roleplay involves gore and violence, we ask that they be taken to a properly censored chat (provided by a staff member) or privately via PM or a separate roleplay server you or the other player/s own. You may only injure another's character if they give you explicit written permission. Even then murder is not allowed unless it's been discussed with the staff.
- For those of you who are able to shift your forms in some way, be you vampires, warlocks, shifters, etc. You are prohibited from copying other characters' abilities. Sharing the same one is okay but your character cannot copy any powers from another. If you have any questions let us know!
Out of Character Rules
- When using your character outside of our group or server while being involved with Fantasia, it's asked of you to represent us well and to be a good role model for others!
- If you're planning to be absent for a long period of time, let us know in the absence channel or let one of our staff members know. We must give confirmation in some way for you to be considered okay--this is just so we can keep tabs on who is gone.
- You're allowed to have up to FIVE characters to begin with, any more will have to be bought in our shop, or you can earn one in any of our events!
- Please keep things that happen outside of roleplay outside. Remember that roleplay isn't real and we shouldn't take it that way. If you have an issue with another player let staff know and we will handle it from there.
- You are not allowed to kill your character just to add another one in. If you have had this character for a long time and you've used it in some way you may do so--or if it's been planned for whatever reason.
- We don't have any rules when it comes to foul language, but we do ask that you don't drop the f-bomb every 2 seconds. Consistent cussing will result in punishment.