Welcome to the Market Place, an area all three territories come peacefully to buy and sell items, or in some cases give away young ones or bond with others. If you wish to dabble with the sales, you've come to the right place as long as you've got enough bits and goodies.
*This place is heavily guarded by an unknown force and is enough to instill fear into the most rebellious souls, so beware!
The Market

* Mystery bags can hold a number of things depending on their sizes; they range from rank up tickets, crystalbits, all the way up to mutation passes group swap stickers!
[S]mall - 100 bits
Common rewards: 1-15 bits, small rank up ticket, small companion pass
[M]edium - 500 bits
Common rewards: 25+ bits, rank up ticket, uncommon companion pass
[L]arge - 1500 bits
Common rewards: 100+ bits, ^ all above + group swap sticker
[XL]arge - 2500 bits
Common rewards: All above + 3 breeding crystals (can be used intergroup, or in the same one!)
* Depending on your needs or desires, we have here a vast collection of all sorts of concoctions, granting powers, subduing trespassers, even changing your looks if you wanted! Be wary as some mysterious liquids can cause harm if you do not know their functions.
Love Potion - 50 bits
Directions read...: The individuals wishing to be tied together must both drink from the bottle. Upon doing so they will be recognized as an official pairing and essentially claimed by one another.
Magic Potion - 200 bits
Directions read...: Individual must drink from the bottle to gain one magic spell or ability. Drinking multiples can brew trouble, drink responsibly.
Poison Kit - 500 bits
Directions read...: Buying this grants one character the ability to create and use poisons as a weapon or tool.

Various Potions

* Looking for a pet or companion? Curious about having a child, or several? You're in the right corner! Here we're selling several different crystals to help you do whatever it is you're looking to get!
Bonded Crystal - 1000 bits
Reward: Allows two or more individuals to become a bonded breeding pair.
Companion Pass - 900 bits
Reward: Permits one companion to each group. The pass does not include Dozisha members! (Ask a staff member!)
Swap Sticker - 1100 bits
Reward: Allows one individual to change groups, or to leave their current one without punishment.
Sight Stone - 500 bits
Reward: Grants permission for a bonded breeding pair to produce offspring. (This stone will tell you how many offspring you can have with your species being taken into account.)