The illness that's been spreading through the Empire has been given a name, thanks to the Empress' right hand, Bo. Those informed have begun calling it Antorium Chrome disease, and the information on the disease itself is very limited; however Keziah has sent as many who are able out to converse with the other groups, Aleocuria and Dozisha being the main two. Due to the increased numbers of the ill, famine has begun to sprout and its only a matter of time before the crops begin to disappear.
+ Seekers and Rangers are asked to head to the other groups to ask about information on the disease and bring back any information they gather.
+ All mages will be under great stress with the influx of ill, any help to them is appreciated and will be rewarded crystal bits.
+ Civillians are more likely to fall sick, the empire is struggling to keep businesses open and funded, merchants are asked to stay on the borders of the empire and not to enter.
+ Empire Guardians are asked to stay at the borders, keeping anyone from coming or leaving without strict permission.

With Aleocuria's water source getting smaller and smaller, Pharoah Rhea has been struggling to get the crops to come in--most of the food and medicine grown locally have begun to suffer and are starting to wilt. Rhea has sent out groups to converse with the other two groups, hoping one of them would be kind enough to offer some water, food or medicine. If the situation is resolved soon, those in Aleocuria could expect a similarly dire situation being experienced in Nuvia Empire.
+ All Siad, Pahket, and Kashaf's are being asked to leave Aleocuria to travel farther in search of food or water.
+ All other ranked individuals are being sent as ambassadors to Nuvia Empire and Dozisha respectively.
+ With the plants wilting and the water source drying up, fights have begun to break out due to desparation and territorial disputes. If the situation does not get better, Pharoah Rhea could be dealing with something completely different then lack of food and water.
Winter is hot on their heels and King Edmond has begun giving orders to reinforce everything to keep everyone warm when the first snow falls, especially for those who are unable to keep themselves warm or have no way of doing so. However with the preparations needed to be done, it seems that they keep getting interrupted one after another from Aleocuria and Nuvia Empire, one for food and water, the other for magical cures of some illness they acquired. With all the pestering going on and the increased amounts of guests in their midst, will their home be ready for winter? Will they be able to hold out with all of these shifters and humanoids invading their space, albeit with permission? How will they keep from getting sick, or worse, losing their own food and water source?
+ All guardians for Dozisha have been doubled by the borders and the entrance to camp. All approaches require permission from a higher-up before allowing a guest to enter.
+ One warrior has been assigned to each post with two guardians, hoping to lessen the stress on handling the influx of bodies.
+ Any able body has been given the order to continue with fortifying the dens and outer walls of camp as well as taking up any slack those who have been affected by winter chills.